
Sunday School

Every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:20 children from preschool through 8th grade meet for junior Sunday School.  We have an excellent curriculum provided by Mennomedia.  Our teachers are kind and committed Christians who will help provide a safe learning environment for your children. 

We also have Sunday School for adults.  There are several classes to choose from.  Two classes study the Reform Series from Mennomedia.  The rest either do a book study or a book out of the Bible.  Classes include a youth class (grades 9-12), a women’s class, a men’s class, and three mixed adult classes.  There is good fellowship and Biblical instruction for everyone.

February 23, 2025
  • Worship Service
    Starts: 10:30 am
    Ends: February 23, 2025 - 11:30 am

    Location: 7705 Ridge Rd, Lowville, NY 13367, USA

Kids Can Club

Kids Can Club is a place where children in kindergarten through fifth grade meet to learn about faith, friendship, and fun. At each meeting we explore God’s word through Bible lessons, games, and crafts.  We are currently meeting twice a month.

Junior and Senior High Youth Group

The mission of Lowville Mennonite Church Youth Ministry is to influence youth to discover their identity and value as persons created in God’s image and called beloved children of God.  We hope to provide both an atmosphere and specific experiences that will welcome and integrate youth into the community of faith and facilitate their awareness of being beloved children of God, through a dynamic discipling relationship with Christ.

This takes place through bi-weekly youth activities planned to provide a time of fellowship and relationship building, Sunday School on Sunday mornings to study and grow in Biblical insight and faith formation, mentoring between an adult in the church and each youth, participation in our corporate worship services, and Convention and service opportunities such as Mennonite Church USA biennial convention, New York Mennonite Conference Celebration, Mennonite Disaster Service projects, etc.

Prayer Shawl and Lap Blanket Ministry

A group of ladies crochet or knit prayer shawls or lap blankets to be given out to those who are experiencing difficult situations. The Prayer Shawl and Lap Blanket Ministry of Lowville Mennonite Church meets two Thursday mornings each month at Brookside Senior Living Center. We work on our projects and pray for the items that have been turned in for distribution. If you like to knit or crochet, or if you would like to learn, join us for a time of fellowship while we work on projects that pass the love and care of Jesus on to others. Meeting times are listed on the website calendar or call the church at 315-376-7223 or Connie Zehr at 315-804-2208 for more information.