A Word Out of Place

December 15, 2019
The attitude that we have as we enter into these days of Advent and Christmas can make a big difference.  The power of Christ in us allows us to change…

Images of Christmas

December 8, 2019
There are all kinds of images surrounding us at Christmas.  Isaiah gives us different images for the coming of Jesus, God among us, and the Kingdom of God that was…
The virtue of temperance calls for moderation and voluntary restraint.  It is easy to desire more and more, but we can be satisfied with enough.  Temperance is also a willingness…

Eat What is Good

March 24, 2019
We are called to repent and turn to the Lord; not as an exercise of self-loathing, but rather as an exercise of turning to the Lord and putting our trust…

God’s Unquenchable Appetite

February 10, 2019
God desires to redeem people and to reform relationships.  He goes to great lengths to make this possible.  God also puts within us the appetite for spiritual things and to…

A Thousand Points of Light

January 6, 2019
Skepticism can make us think the world is worse than it is, but skepticism can also make us think the world is better than what some may say it is. …