Difficult Choices

March 29, 2020
Our third online service during the COVID-19 outbreak and time of physical distancing is now filmed completely in our own homes.  This week we reflect on how God is making…

Me First

March 22, 2020
Our second online service during the COVID-19 outbreak and time of physical distancing.  Each member of the pastoral team shares a few reflections about children of light and remembering to…

A Blessed People

February 2, 2020
Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes.  Like Moses bringing down the law from Mount Sinai, the Beatitudes are a vision for God's wholeness rooted in God's…

Star Sightings

January 19, 2020
When John the Baptist saw Jesus in Bethany he pointed him out as you would point out a celebrity.  Unlike celebrity star sightings, following Jesus results in a real life…

Images of Christmas

December 8, 2019
There are all kinds of images surrounding us at Christmas.  Isaiah gives us different images for the coming of Jesus, God among us, and the Kingdom of God that was…

Suspending the Mental Models

November 10, 2019
Drawing from the Bridges Out of Poverty framework, we can see how Jesus suspended mental models of Samaritans at that time, and was able to see the Samaritan woman at…
Lust is the vice of craving or desiring for the pleasures of the body; most often sexual.  Lust promises the good feelings of delight and pleasure, yet it is not…