Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes. Like Moses bringing down the law from Mount Sinai, the Beatitudes are a vision for God's wholeness rooted in God's…
Drawing from the Bridges Out of Poverty framework, we can see how Jesus suspended mental models of Samaritans at that time, and was able to see the Samaritan woman at…
Jesus tells a parable about a rich man that stores up his earthly treasures, only to have his life taken from him. It is tempting to desire earthly possessions. Yet…
Our lives, as in the time of the Apostle Paul, are often shaped by consumption. We desire, among other things, to have perfect bodies. Yet the truly perfect bodies are…
World Fellowship Sunday is a day to remember that we are part of a network of Anabaptist churches from around the world. We are given an identity in Jesus, yet…