Foolish Soul

August 4, 2019
Jesus tells a parable about a rich man that stores up his earthly treasures, only to have his life taken from him.  It is tempting to desire earthly possessions.  Yet…

Be Kind to Your Neighbor

July 14, 2019
Jesus spent time with outcasts, and he uses an outcast demographic--a Samaritan--to show what it means to love one's neighbor.  We are challenged to also love our neighbors or, to…

40 Slices of Pizza

June 30, 2019
Pastors Keith and Connie Zehr share reflections on their life and ministry together after 40 years of marriage.
Guest speaker, Bekah Puddington shares about her time of service, working with homeless people in San Francisco.  The demon possessed man in Luke 8 shares similarities with some homeless people. …

Texas Hold’em Time

April 14, 2019
Jesus rode into Jerusalem amid the crowds honoring him, even though he knew that his death was approaching.  Jesus was "all in" with his ministry of reconciliation.  His ride into…

The Intermediate Story

March 31, 2019
In any scripture there are layers of meaning.  In Luke 15 we can zoom out and see the bigger story of death and resurrection, we can zoom in and see…

Wade in the Water

March 10, 2019
When you don't know where you are going it is difficult.  Yet we are called to venture forth into the wilderness; a place with no map and is beyond the…

It’s Not My Job

January 28, 2019
When Jesus stood up to read the scripture in the synagogue, he was proclaiming a new kind of power.  There is power in the gospel.  There is power that comes…